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Β« Itchy Nipples During Pregnancy And 5 Best Ways To Address | HOME |

Feeling scratchy nipples at the beginning of maternity is quite normal. A lot of mothers-to-be may encounter this annoying sensation because of hormonal changes occurring within their bodies. The affected area may appear tender or have small bumps. Thankfully, there are several techniques you could discover comfort and alleviate this discomfort.
Certain females state that using a chilled compress to their scratchy breasts aids reduce the urge to scratch. A few notice comfort by putting on a organic relaxing cream or oil particularly intended for with child females. It is important to steer clear of itching the region as this could inflame the skin further. Sporting relaxed and helpful pregnancy bras made from soft materials can also offer relief and avoid more irritation.

Itchy Breast or Nipple Causes and Treatments Healthline